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BioRad Modular One
Opthalmologist's Tonometer

BioRad Digilab Division, Cambridge, MA, asked Robert DeFelice & Associates (RDA) to create a sleek, easy-to-use pneuma tonometer for opthalmologists. The new Modular One tonometer included an add-on printer and real-time strip chart recorder that could be integrated with the tonometer as needed. Manufacturing objective was molded plastic, urethane RIM or structural foam which would realize reduced piece price and improved styling.
RDA carefully combined the display and function keypad on the tonometer at a comfortable viewing and manipulation angle and created the cabinet geometry that was easy to align with the mating printer and recorder. The handsome styling included subtle features that enhanced sales and marketing.
RDA provided a complete design and engineering package for internal packaging of electro-mechanical parts and exterior housings, vendor recommendations, value engineering and DFMA with COTS fasteners hidden from normal view that allowed easy cleaning and maintenance.
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